How to apply for a Marriage or Civil Union License


The application can be filed in the town that the bride, groom, or either civil union partner resides. If both reside outside of New Jersey they must apply in the town in which the marriage or civil union will be performed. 


The bride and groom or civil union partners must appear together with one witness, who is at least 18 years of age.  


The bride, groom, or civil union partners must bring the following ID:

  1. Their birth certificate or passport
  2. Their drivers' license or proof of address (Business Mail)
  3. Social Security number (must bring their card if you do not know your number) 
  4. Divorce decree or death certificate from any previous marriage, dissolution of a civil union or Domestic partnership.


There is a State mandated 72 hour waiting period for a marriage / civil union license.


Apply for marriage/civil union license within 30 days of marriage/civil union. The marriage/civil union must be performed within 30 days of the pick-up of the license.


The license will be filed in the town which the marriage/civil union takes place. Certified copies with a raised seal are available from the Registrar's office.


Registrar's Office is open Monday - Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm. 

Please call Melissa Hallerman, CMR at 732-521-4946, Ext: 100 to make an appointment.